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Interfaith Committee

Interfaith Group

Interfaith Group is meant to identify themes and inspirational events in different religions and celebrate these for the staff and students of XIE.

The celebration will spell out the religious significance of the Founder and the respective Festivals and their relevance to the society in the present context.

Committee Members

The following are the Interfaith committee members for the AY 2024-25.

Name of Faculty
Dr. Fr. Lancy Prabhu S.J.-Counselor cum Ombudsman of XIE -Convener
Prof. Martina D’souza - Coordinator
Prof. Smita Pawar
Prof. Stella J
Prof. Jaychand- Upadhyay
Prof. Vijay Jumb
Prof. Saniya Gonsalves
Dr. Gauri Arolkar
Ms. Kiran Sawant
Ms. Suhasini Shinde