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XIE IETE Students’ Forum (ISF)

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), founded in 1953, is one of the leading Professional Society in India. IETE has contributed to the advancement of Science and Technology in the fields of Electronics, Communication Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and other related subjects. There are more than 550 live ISFs functioning in India today with a student membership of more than 60,000.

XIE IETE Faculty Member

Sr. No Post Name
1 IETE XIE ISF Faculty Co-ordinator Fr. Fabian Barreto, SJ

XIE IETE ManagingCommittee Student Members

Post  Student
Faculty Coordinator Fr Fabian Barreto SJ
Chairperson Mahek Shaikh  
Vice Chairperson Derick Lewis  
Secretary Sakshi Pawar  
Treasurer Rutuja Bariya  
Public Relations Executive Shahnawaz Shaikh  
Digital Media and Marketing Executive Aryan Patil  

Objectives of ISF

  • Improving standard of Engineering Education
  • Counseling the students in the emerging new opportunities
  • Encouraging and motivating the outside Class room studies / Workshops/ Projects/ Seminars
  • Increasing the student base and Corporate membership of IETE


  • To plan, organize Technical Programs, Special Lectures, Workshops, Seminars Symposia, exhibitions for the benefit of students.
  • To provide common platform for students to exchange of ideas in technical topics of interest, e.g., curriculum, employment, higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, etc.
  • To facilitate technical visits, project works, employment, contact with industries and academic institutions.
  • Encourage team spirit and self-reliance among student members.
  • ISFs should be a catalyst for the overall growth in technical and professional skills in young students